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225 thousand





Time & Location

225 thousand

Thailand, Thailand

About the event

The exact date of when Thai people started to use slavery in the fishing industry is unknown, but it’s definitely not a recent involvement. In Thailand, the unethical parts come into play in poor working condition, recruitment processes, and industrial violence that put migrant workers into abusive situations. Trafficking and forced labors are still rampant regardless of the new government legislation. Based on the evidence gathered by the International Transport Federation and the International Trade Union Conference, various incidents of forced labor and abuse has occurred in the year 2015. Workers claimed that they were captivated on an island and forced to work on boats around the Indonesian waters and that they were often fishing illegally. Another worker has shared his story of severely injured and beaten by his captain, and he was in fact chained by his neck and could not escape. Other workers also reported similar practices and described their 20 to 22 hours of working per day and their treatment was so poor for them to sustain themselves. Besides, forced labors in the Thai Fishing Industry consists of youths who are under the age of 30, and the smallest labors among them can be even just 6 years old.

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